YOU MAY HAVE seen the ads heralding the arrival of McDonald’s latest culinary creation, the McCruncher.
The burger is the latest addition to the fast food restaurant’s menu and, as the name suggests, it’s a crunchy affair.
So, what is it?
Well, it’s basically a cheeseburger with crunchy onion fries and barbecue sauce. It appears to have been tested in various US markets back in 2012, but doesn’t seem to be on the menu anymore, much to the chagrin of some customers:
Now it’s arrived in Ireland and reviews are, eh, mixed.
Well, it tastes kind of how it looks…
But it might just change your life!
Or it might not!
Only one way to find out.
“I’ll have a McCruncher, please”
- you after your next night out.
Have you tried the McCruncher? What was your verdict? Let us know in the comments!